We'd Love to hear from You

The Church Office Phone # is (989) 872-3658

The Church Office Email is novestachurch@yahoo.com

Our Administrative Assistant is  Kristy Speirs (contact the office)

our Financial Secretary is Jane Luana (contact the office)

To contact Brad Speirs, our Senior Minister, call or text (989) 550-3940, or email bdspeirs@yahoo.com

To contact Tyler Brandel, our Student Minister, call or text (989) 553-7190, or email tjbrandel@hotmail.com

To contact Heather Roberts, our Children's Director, call or text (989) 467-0270.

To contact Dave Little, elder, email bigdavepigfarmer@hotmail.com

To contact Garrett Roberts, elder, email garrett.roberts84@yahoo.com

To contact Garold Peasley, elder, email gjrspeas@yahoo.com

To contact Craig Maurer, elder, email tigman250@gmail.com

The Church address is

2896 Cemetery Rd

Cass City, MI 48726