MOnthly Newsletter

Check out the latest happenings around Novesta.

Each month our newsletter will let you know what's going on and how you can get involved.

  • Check out all the summer fun!  Summer goes fast, don't miss an opportunity!

  • Welcome Summer and all the fun that comes with it!  We are so excited to share the warm weather with you!  Check out all the happenings and be sure to get involved in one way or another--you won't regret it!

  • Summer is on the horizon and Novesta is excited to share all things warm weather and sunshine with you!  This is truly a month of celebration!  Join us as we celebrate together!

  • Check out all that April has going on @ Novesta!

  • Wow!  Can't believe spring and EASTER are on the horizen already!  So glad you've taken a minute to check out the latest goings on here at Novesta!  

  • Hello Everyone!  Check out all the happenings as we move from January into February!  Have a blessed month!

  • It's a BRAND NEW year!  Let's get started on the right foot be getting involved!  Being connected to the church body is the best place you can be!

  • Check out all the Christmas happenings @ Novesta!

  • November is HERE!  And it is filled with wonderful ways to get connected to the church body.  Check out the monthly newsletter and don't let another month go by without jumping in and seeing where God may lead you!

  • October is here and it's a great time to get involved in the life of the church!  Check it out and jump on in!

  • This is the BEST month of all for churches...It's BACK TO CHURCH month!!  Woohoo!  Though our summer is winding down, church is ramping up with so many things to be a part of and get involved in!  Check it out and we'll see you soon!

  • Check out all the fun summer-end happenings at Novesta!  There's plenty of things to choose from and get involved in...bring a friend, make a friend!