Weekly Bulletins

  • Hello!  Wow--the LAST week of July is here already!  It's definitely the BEST day of the week, so why not start it off on the right foot and join us if you're able!  

  • Hello friends!  Welcome to a brand NEW week at Novesta!   Hope to see you Sunday!

  • So glad you checked in!  Have a blessed weekend and see you Sunday! 

  • Hello Church Family!  We hope to see you Sunday for our 10:00 AM outdoor service!  It's sure to be a great gathering as friends and family, worshipping and fellowshipping together.  Hotdogs and fun to follow the service--bring your own camp chairs if you're able, but there will be chairs available if you forget!  Have a blessed weekend!

  • Join us for this last week of June 2024!  We'd love to see you!

  • Hey-o!  Thanks for stopping by!  Check out the news and happenings as we round out the last week of June--yikes--summer is FLYING by WAY too fast!

  • Happiest of Father's Day to all those amazing dads out there!   We hope you can join us as we celebrate you!  A small gift is waiting for you!

  • Thanks for checking out our weekly bulletin!  How can you get involved or be a blessing in the week ahead?! 

  • Welcome June!  There's so much to do and be a part of, and plenty of ways you can be a blessing--check it out!

  • Thanks for checking in!  We hope to see you Sunday!  Check out the happenings for the very last week of May!

  • Congrats to all of our Novesta Grads and their families!  We're so proud of you and are excited to see where God leads you in your next steps!  Always, always, always remember, Novesta is ALWAYS a place to call home!